The circle of life continues, and with it another router dies. I’ve had my eye on the Ubiquiti UniFi AC for a while, but the reviews have been very mixed. I’m hoping things get worked out in future firmware, but I can’t see spending that much on a dice roll. Instead, I figured I’d get an inexpensive hold-over until those are worked out.
On the advice of The Wirecutter, I went with the TP-Link Archer C7 v2. You can imagine my disappointment, then, when I could hardly keep my MacBook Pro (15 inch, Early 2011) connected. Digging through forums, it looks like I’m not alone.
Luckily, upgrading to the v14 firmware seems to have fixed the connection problems. On the downside, my config was completely wiped clean. So if anyone out there is struggling with getting their MacBook Pro working on the C7, the firmware upgrade should do the trick, but make sure you just down your configuration!