The scenario: you have computers that are only bound to AzureAD and you need to deploy a customized version TeamViewer to those computers. Me too! Here’s what I did.
Create the Custom Module & Policies
Log into to
On the left hand side of the screen, choose Design & Deploy

You’ll see two tabs: Custom Modules and Policies.
The Policies tab has the custom settings used by the client (such as whitelisting, auto-starting, and auto-adding to groups).
Each custom module can only use one “Policy,” but each policy can have all possible settings. If you need to create a new policy, use the “Add policy” button at the top of the screen.
To change a policy, click the edit button next to the one of the policies. (The “enforce” checkbox for each setting prevents the end-user from being able to change that setting). These policies are checked by the client during installation.

Once the policy is setup, go to the Custom Modules tab. Create a new module with the Add Custom Module button or click the edit button on a existing module.

Customize the look of the TeamViewer app however you’d like.
Make sure the TeamViewer policy selected is the correct one from the Policies tab and you’ve selected the group you would like the devices added to under the “Automatically add computers to a group in your Computers list.”

Copy the API token and the Configuration ID. You will need these when creating the app in Intune.
Click the “Download MSI” link as well. Without any options, this MSI will just do a basic TeamViewer Host installation. Only when passed your configuration ID and API token during installation will it give you the customized client and add itself to your TeamViewer groups.
Package the Installer
The MSI file will come in a zip file; unzip it. Inside you will find two more folders: Full and Host. Go into the Host folder and copy the TeamViewer_host.msi file into another folder. I named mine “teamviewer-host”. Make sure there is nothing else in that folder.

If you haven’t already, download a copy of the Microsoft Win32 Content Prep Tool from
Open Windows Terminal or a command prompt and run:
IntuneWinAppUtil.exe -c <folder with the msi it in> -s TeamViewer_Host.msi -o <where you want the package file saved>
So for me, I had IntuneWinAppUtil.exe on the desktop and wanted the package file there as well, so I ran:
.\IntuneWinAppUtil.exe -c .\teamviewer-host\ -s TeamViewer_Host.msi -o .
Once you have done so, you will have a file called TeamViewer_Host.intunewin that can be uploaded to Intune.
Create & Deploy in Intune
Go to
Choose Apps->All Apps

Click the Add Button

Choose the App Type “Windows app (Win32) then click Select at the bottom of the screen.

Choose the TeamViewer_Host.intunewin file you created (Firefox may have trouble doing the upload. If so, use another browser)
On the Program step change the install command from:
msiexec /i "TeamViewer_Host.msi" /q
msiexec /i "TeamViewer_Host.msi" /qn CUSTOMCONFIGID=[configuration id] APITOKEN=[API Token] ASSIGNMENTOPTIONS="--grant-easy-access"
(Don’t include the brackets [ ])
Choose 64bit Windows 10 under the Requirements
Under Detection Rules choose “Manually configure detection rules”
Click + Add
Choose MSI for rule type. Intune will automatically enter the correct MSI Product code. Keep “MSI Product version check” as “no” so that the app won’t re-install if upgrades are done on the client side.

No Dependencies are needed.
Finally, assign it to whatever device groups you need. Devices in those groups will automatically download the TeamViewer Host app as well as place an icon called TeamViewer on the desktop.
That’s it! Your custom TeamViewer host should install on the selected devices and be ready for remote management.