Category Archives: Visual Studio

Unity3d On Fedora

I recently switched from Ubuntu to Fedora and realized that Omnisharp in VS Code for Unity3D projects was not working correctly, even with Use Global Mono set to Always.

The fix ended up being simple: even though they are the same version, install Mono from the mono project’s repository, not Fedora’s.

First: Install mono from here:

Then, open VS Code and go to settings. To make this change for all projects, click User. To change for just this project (which I’d recommend) click Workspace. This will allow you to do your regular .Net development using the built-in mono (and eventually .Net Core).

Set Omnisharp: Use Global Mono to “always.”

That’s it! That should do the trick.

Focus On Your Core Competencies

It’s something drilled into every MBA, day after day. It’s a simple mantra, but one easily forgotten as excitement around a project builds. I am always tempted to re-invent the wheel, just to see what kind of wheel I can come up with.

But, when you have a goal in mind, remember: you don’t need to roll your own JSON library, host your own Git repository, code a game engine from scratch. Keep it simple, and focus on what you do best.

PS: Also fight the urge to recode your Java app in C# because Visual Studio 2013 is all free now. Fight it. You can do it!

It couldn’t hurt to see how Mono runs in Centos these days though…