Today Lync 2011 decided it was not going to log in. Each time I tried I got an error about the oc_keycontainer and a request for my password.
I tried just deleting all the oc_keycontainer entries from Keychain Access, but still no luck.
It turns out it’s necessary to also delete the OC_KeyContainer_[username] file from ~/Library/Keychains
Re-launch Lync, and all should be good.
I do not have this file to be found on my mac. Maybe it is because I use icloud drive?
It could be because ~/Library is a hidden folder. Try this:
Open a Finder window
In the menu, choose Go->Go to Folder…
Paste in this location: ~/Library/Keychains
Once you’re in that folder, you should see a file that starts with OC_KeyContainer
Let me know if you still have trouble!