Tag Archives: SELinux

WordPress Auto Update Soup-to-Nuts

This took a couple days of Binging and hacking, but I finally got WordPress to auto-update on Centos 7 with SSL and without disabling SELinux.

Update 1: I should note, this is for self-hosted WordPress users.

(Anything in brackets [] is up to you to choose)

WordPress 4.4 requires FTP access to the server in order to update its self.

vsFTPd with SSL

To keep things secure, I’ve setup vsftpd with chroots (to prevent ftp accounts from going outside of where they should be) and SSL.

Install vsfptd

sudo yum install vsftpd

Edit the configuration file

sudo nano /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf

The following options should already be in your config file and can just be changed:


The rest should be added to the bottom of the config file.
I’m assuming you already have an SSL cert you are using for your website. You can use this cert for vsftpd as well.

# Keep non-chroot listed users jailed

rsa_cert_file=/etc/pki/tls/certs/[your ssl cert].crt
rsa_private_key_file=/etc/pki/tls/private/[your ssl cert key].key

Now you can enable and start the FTP server

sudo systemctl enable vsftp
sudo systemctl start vsftp

Next, create a user that will be used for FTP.
It’s important to set the home directory with the “-d” option to where your website files are. I’m assuming the default /var/www/html.

sudo adduser -d /var/www/html [ftp-user]

Set a password for the user. Make sure to choose something secure!

sudo passwd [ftp-user]

Add the user to the apache group, so that it will have write access to /var/www/html/*

sudo gpasswd -a [ftp-user] apache

Make sure that apache has read/write to the WordPress files

sudo chown apache:apache /var/www/html/*
sudo chmod -R g+w /var/www/html/*


To the best of my knowledge, these are the SELinux commands necessary for both the vsftpd as well as for Apache to FTP into the server and update itself.

SELinux booleans to enable the functionality we need

setsebool -P ftp_home_dir=on
setsebool -P ftpd_full_access=on
setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect=on
setsebool -P httpd_can_connect_ftp=on

SELinux needs to be told that Apache has permission to write the files in /var/www/html and its subfolders

sudo chcon -R -v -t httpd_sys_rw_content_t /var/www/html

Let’s test the FTP server to make sure you can connect

First, install the lftp client

sudo yum install lftp

Connect to the FTP server

lftp -d -u [ftp-user] -e 'set ftp:ssl-force true'



and make sure you get a directory listing. If not, you’ll need to use the debug data printed to troubleshoot further (I sure did, I hope you won’t).

Assuming that works, the last step is to set edit wp-config.php with the FTP server settings

sudo nano /var/www/wp-config.php

Under the database settings, add a section:

/*** FTP login settings ***/
define("FTP_HOST", "");
define("FTP_USER", "[ftp-user]");
define("FTP_PASS", "[ftp-user-password]");

It may not be necessary, but I like to restart Apache just to be sure

sudo systemctl restart httpd

Finally, log into WordPress and try to update something simple, like a theme or plugin. It should work!

SELinux ACLs with Apache

A quick reminder to myself (and you if you’ve come across my little site) to change SELinux file ACLs when uploading new files to be served by Apache (httpd) on Centos.

Yesterday I linked to some Radeon drivers in my http://www.shernet.com/windows/ati-radeon-mobility-x1400-on-windows-10/ post.

However, the linked zip file was showing ‘Access Denied’ errors, despite the correct filesystem permissions.

I had forgotten to also mark the file as something httpd should have access to on Centos as far as SELinux was concerned.

Without further ado, it simply took:

sudo chcon -v -t httpd_sys_content_t uploaded_file.ext